Oregano - The Intuitive Protector
Oregano is for clarity, experience, and protection. Oregano is a herb from the mint, or Lamiaceae family. People have used it for thousands of years to add flavor to dishes and to treat health conditions.
The Mediterranean diet strongly features oregano. The Greeks and Romans associated oregano with joy and happiness. The name comes from the Greek words “oros,” meaning mountain, and “ganos,” meaning joy.
People use oregano in the diet as supplements and as an aromatic oil. The various antioxidants in the herb provide flavor and scent, and contribute to the health benefits of oregano oil. Oregano provides other antioxidants when people consume it in the diet.
Credit: Oracle of the Essences by The Enchantress - https://www.theenchantress.com.au/
Oregano as a Spiritual Character
Oregano’s tenacious personality can break through barriers like any other essence. Strong in character and willing in power, Oregano gets completely emotionally detached from situations and can see the clear picture easily and effortlessly.
Oregano is aware of his strength and is selective about how it is used. Oregano knows how to use his strength and he won't waste his better moves in small situations or with weak people.
Sometimes, Oregano can be so rigid that it lacks patience with those who don't have the same level of understanding. However, it comes back to basics quickly and can adapt to the needs of others. So, take a nice deep breath and allow the medicine of oregano into your heart. Imagine it dispersing and diffusing, going everywhere it needs to go in your body.
Know that Oregano has its own intelligence. Your body has its own intelligence. Your intuition has its own intelligence. So, between the combination of the three, know that you're getting the medicine that you need right now.
Whenever personality is presented in the negative aspect, it can often feel weak and easily affected by others. Personality is good at keeping things inside, instead of sharing them in inner turmoil that always ends up in a struggle. Oregano is like a Shaolin monk - he is quiet and meditative, focused on his practice. He is also free from attachments, he is ready and highly prepared to act and defend when it is needed.
Connecting with Oregano
Imagine and visualize what form you want oregano to take for you. What form does your heart want to connect with? Perhaps it is the oil. Maybe the leaf. Perhaps it is the entire plant. Sometimes it could be the spirit and soul of oregano, rather than a physical form.
Take a moment and ask that question: What form of Oregano do I wish to connect with? It's as if you are calling out to Oregano, and saying, “Thank you for showing up for me today. How do you want me to connect with you, Oregano?” See what intuitively pops into your mind. What vision do you get? Whatever it is that you get, just trust it.
Oregano is a powerful protector no matter what form it comes in. Allow your intuition to guide you to the form of protection that is in your highest good.
What to do next
Let’s do an intuitive exercise. All right, so you have these different levels and layers of your existence; you have the spiritual you, your emotional body, your mental body, and your physical body. So with Oregano specifically, ask yourself physically: How does your body want to receive it now? Just take a moment and focus on the form. If you have kids, you can ask, “Does my child need oregano.” If you get a yes and they do, ask the form that they need to receive it too. Use it in the way that's going to be the most effective and the most beneficial for each person. And feel free to pass that message along to friends and family.
The divinatory meaning: Stay calm and focus through the turmoil. Access every move and act only when it is required. Don't be impulsive or over reactive. You need protection right now, so be mindful of your surroundings.
Affirmation: Life brings me all that I've ever needed and desired every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.
What form of Oregano intuitively came up for you? Did you receive any other insights from Oregano? Feel free to drop in the comments below anything that Oregano had to share with you.